Monday, December 29, 2008

Known throughout the World

In Romans 1:8, Paul commends the Christians in Rome because their faith was becoming known throughout the world. When I read this, I wondered, how could that be? Today, it's easy for the whole world to know things, with the internet, tv, and all. Back then, not so much. For the whole world to know about the faith of these people, something incredible must have been happening. There obviously must have been a major change happening in and through them that was making people take notice! They definitely were not keeping their faith to themselves. This makes me ask myself, is my faith known throughout the world? Probably not. But a good place to start is by my faith being known by my family and in my neighborhood. I know most of my neighbors, and have at least talked to them, but what kind of positive impact can I make in my neighbor's lives that they will take notice of my faith in God?

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