Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Loving God loving us 3

John 15:12-14 has Jesus telling his disciples to love others in the same way He loved them. Then he goes on to say that the greatest love is shown when people lay down their lives for their friends. Jesus said this before he went to the cross, so he was obviously (to us) foreshadowing his own death, which his followers still didn’t quite understand yet. Obviously after his death and resurrection, they probably remembered him saying this and it made more sense!
It got me thinking, when Jesus said to love others like he loved us, what would it mean for me to lay down my life for a friend? Maybe putting aside some of my selfish ambitions to help a friend? Taking time out of a busy schedule to talk with someone I know is hurting? Maybe giving sacrificially, out of things I may want or even need, to help someone who needs it. These all seem good, but they still don’t seem like they’re ‘laying down my life’ for a friend. If you’re reading this, I’d love to know what you think are some ways we can ‘lay down our lives’ for our friends, and by that love others as Christ loved us.

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