Sunday, January 22, 2012

CPC Breakout notes-Seasonal Leadership w Craig Jutila

This was the last breakout of CPC and I decided to go to Craig Jutila's breakout on Seasonal Leadership. I'm in a season of life that seems crazy and hectic to me (2 young kids) but may not be compared to other people. I wanted to hear what Craig had to say about leading through these times.

Here's my notes:

Church is always busy season, but families go through different seasons.
What is your season? Live your season

Biblical example--Jacob. Jacob's struggle with Esau, moved away, last thing Esau said was 'I will kill him'. When Jacob moved back with all his family, Esau tried to get him to run ahead and join him. Jacob looked at his family, his flocks, and said 'If I drive them hard, I'm going to lose them'. Jacob said he will travel at his own pace (even though it would seem smart to all of us that he do whatever Esau wanted!)

Season examples: Single no kids, Married no kids, Married w kids, Single w kids--the more responsibility you have the less time you have to work.
Jesus was single with no kids. As good as it sounds to minister like Jesus did, at his pace, we can only do that if we are in that season.

What happens when one spouse is living seasonally different than the other? The 'V' of marriage drift.

Desired \ / Detached
Exciting \ / Exhausting
Important\ / Insignificant
Dreams \ / Disillusioned

Your job Your marriage

Priorities need to be
Individual---they fit your season
Intentional--They fit your calendar
Investments--They fit your family

Priorities that promote health
1. How are you practicing Soul Care; Take in
2. How are you investing your time? Time out-Buy the opportunity-Take advantage of the opportunity you have
3. How will you connect with others? With your spouse? Team up
Questions to ask your spouse
What was negative in the past few years/weeks/months?
What is going well?
What do we want to do going forward?
4. Who or what will you say no to? Turn Down--good opportunities may not be good for you? everything you say 'yes' to means 'no' to something else

Do you recruit people in their seasons? Ask them-don't say their no. Help them reach their potential, not burn out. Talk to them if they are doing too much

This workshop came at a great time for me. I have been choosing, in this season, to spend more time with my family versus more time at church (without neglecting my responsibilities). This was confirmation for me that I am doing the right thing and, no matter what may happen with my job, I will never regret the choices I am making to invest in my family.
Someone else will eventually have my job, no one else will be the husband to my wife that I am supposed to be, or be the father my kids need.
Thanks Craig for a great workshop. I am looking forward to reading his book (coming out in April) called "Hectic to Healthy".

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