Monday, January 16, 2012

Notes from CPC General Session 1-Kyle Idleman

Kids Ministry-What you win them with is what you win them to

How do we win kids to "take up your cross, deny yourself, and follow me?"

Come after means "passionate pursuit"
What do they think about at night when they go to bed, in the morning when they wake up?
am I passionately pursuing Christ?

Imparting truth is not downloading information, it's making them fall in love with Jesus

Call them to complete commitment

Means calling people to make a daily decision to die. Die to myself, my desires, my flesh, my passion, in order to live for him

How do we preach the gospel of 'die to self' to a culture that bought 20 million Snuggies last year?

Practical steps-Pray every morning "I die to myself today"

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