Friday, January 11, 2013

Making the most of #CPC13

I'm one that believes large conferences are worth the money. I enjoy the general sessions, the speakers, the worship, and all the fun stuff, but here are some tips and how I make the most of my time at conferences.

Plan ahead--figure out which breakouts/sessions/activities you can't miss. Pay attention to who is leading the breakout, not just what the title is, and go to the ones that will help you grow as a leader.

Don't do everything--It is tempting to try and do everything. Don't. Schedule downtime. Skip a breakout if you need to. Use that time to refresh yourself spiritually, sneak in a workout, or have a cup of coffee with a fellow #kidmin leader.

If you're taking a team, set up their schedule for them--Especially if you are paying for them, send them to the breakouts that you want them to go to. Split up and go to different ones, then talk about what you learned.

Skip the main session--This is a tough one to do sometimes, but you'd be surprised who might be able to meet with you or who you may run into in the hallway if you are willing to miss one or part of the main sessions.

Stay on-property if possible--Even if you live near the conference! Networking and relationship building are such an important part of almost any conference and these opportunities are enhanced when you don't have to drive home after the session or try to get there on time in the morning.

Wear your nametag and smile--It's amazing how friendly people can be when given the opportunity. Wear your conference nametag and be friendly, you just might meet someone that becomes a lifelong friend!

These are just a few of the things I do that help me grow and learn at conferences. I've found these tips are especially true at CPC and I'm excited to see what Michael Chanley and crew have got planned for us this year. I'll be at #CPC13 in Orlando, Preschool/Children's Metro, and possibly Orange (which I have different tips for!) and hope to run into some of you there!

How do you make the most of the conferences you attend?


Michael Chanley said...

Hi Collin... thanks for posting this. Really good stuff. Just a heads up, we have rethought our meals this year and they will provide for more opportunity to connect and network.

collin senka said...

Great! I thought that was a great idea last year. It was nice for people to get the chance to meet people who share the same passions.
Also was a great way for attendees to be able to connect with the breakout presenters. Glad to hear it is coming back. The old way was nice too, but this allows people to be a little more intentional with their mealtime.

Matt Norman said...

Great post Collin. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I look forward to seeing you there.